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Nothin But Scores

Nothin But Scores is a service that posts final scores from sporting events to dedicated Twitter accounts. I wanted to be able to browse Twitter and get updates on the teams I follow, without getting spammed with all of the pre/post game coverage that sports Twitter accounts normally have.

The backend is built with Azure Functions. There is a function for each league that’s tracked. When each of the functions runs on its specified interval, it will query the sports API for scores from the day. For games that have completed, the function will check if the results have been posted to Twitter and if not, post them to the team’s dedicated Twitter account.

For most of the leagues, I use MySportsFeeds to track the events and get the final scores. It’s a great reliable service, that’s free to start.

The landing page,, is built with Hugo (static site generator) and Tailwind CSS (CSS framework).

The main roadblock I’ve run into so far has been creating the Twitter accounts. It’s obviously a manual process and they ask for a phone number when creating them, so I’ve started to run into issues with getting new ones created because it says my phone number is already in use. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find a workaround as I do believe this project is in keeping with Twitter’s Terms and Conditions.

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